Reclaim Your Personal Power: Celebrate the New Moon in Leo in Rural Lititz

You have something to offer the world that no one else can.Body Talks Therapy will once again host a new moon circle in rural Lititz on Saturday, August 11, from 6pm to 8pm! This time, I am honored to welcome and partner with members of Lancaster’s Wild Woman Project as their leader, Emily Alvarez, takes the day off to begin a new chapter in her life!

Some of you may know that while I’ve taken several months off from group events to focus on rest and self-healing, Emily graciously opened her circle to members of the BTT community.  In gratitude for the nurturing, sisterhood, and sacredness her group offered over the past year, I will facilitate practices Emily includes such as guided meditation, journaling and/or drawing, oracle card reading, and group discussion and sharing.

This year’s New Moon in the sign of Leo affords the opportunity to reflect on leadership, creativity, and self-expression. During a small fire ceremony, we’ll shed obstacles to self-confidence and set the intention to step fully into our personal power.

Bring a journal or paper, pen, and your creative instrument of choice (your words; markers or paints; your voice or a musical instrument; dance shoes or bare feet; and any poem, essay, or song you’d like to share). Weather permitting, we’ll gather outside; thus I strongly urge you to bring your natural mosquito repellant and a blanket or chair to sit on.

Attendance is limited to whomever can fit into 10 cars since parking is limited. Therefore, please RSVP here in advance. If your ability to attend changes prior to the event, please update your response as soon as possible to allow others to fill your spot. A $10 donation is suggested but not required.

I am thrilled to see, listen to, share, laugh, and shed tears with all of you again in August!

Allison Brunner, LCSW, Body Talks Therapy

September New Moon Healing Ceremony Benefits Texans Hit by Hurricane Harvey

Join Body Talks Therapy’s next New Moon healing circle, Friday, September 22, at 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Cash donations paid upon arrival will benefit people and pets via the United Way of Greater Houston and the Houston Humane Society. Suggested donation is $10.

TexasWe’ll open sacred space, sing, set intentions for the new moon cycle, send healing to those hit hardest by the 2017 hurricane season, and engage in group sharing and connection.

Bring a journal, an object sacred to you for the altar, art supplies you’d like to use, and your authenticity. All open-minded highly sensitive people are welcome regardless of spiritual background or beliefs who share the desire to impact the world with your inner light, wisdom, and love.

If you would like to share a gift, meditation, prayer, ritual, or heart-thoughts with the group, please contact me by September 20.

Space is limited to participants who can arrive in nine cars or fewer, so please RSVP here in advance and update me as soon as possible if you cannot attend. After you RSVP, I’ll send you the address of our meeting in rural Lititz, PA, as well as parking instructions. We’ll gather outdoors, weather permitting, so please bring a lawn chair or blanket and mosquito spray if current climate conditions still require it.

I look forward to creating miracles with you!

(Note: Proceeds from our August New Moon ceremony are being donated to the National Urban League to support civil rights for Black Americans. Deep thanks to all who contributed!)

Allison Brunner, LCSW, RM, Body Talks Therapy